Day Types

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Day Types

To create a work schedule a list of day types must be defined e.g. normal day, holiday, sick. You can find the day types in the menu Work Schedule -> Day Types.

Day Types

Here you can create, change or delete day types. On the left is a list of the day types and on the right the details for the selected day type.

Field description


Name of the day type


Text as shown in the schedule and the booking calendar.


Description of the day type.


Start time


End time

Break Duration

Duration of e.g. a lunch break.

Off Duty

Check here if the person it not at work when this day type is applied (e.g. holiday, sick)


Select a shortcut key to use when applying the day type to the work schedule.

Text Color

Select the foreground color used with the day type in the work schedule.

Bacground Color

Select the background color used with the day type in the work schedule.

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